Previous Collaborations Part 2

As I was saying yesterday, some people have been curious as to what other projects we have done as a team and sharing samples of those collaborations has been the idea of both yesterday’s post and this one.

So here we go.


This one was a story that I had since 1999 if I remember correctly. One of those ideas that come and go, come and go but for whatever reason (artists attached to it, publishers showing interest) hasn’t yet found a home. Several times I tried to leave the story behind but somehow it kept returning. Last year the Sobreiros did some sample pages so we could show it to editors but for truly committing to the full story, first we have to finish other things.


I heard that Popgun (the anthology published by Image Comics) was accepting submissions and got in touch with the editors. They liked our work and asked to see our proposal. This was a tough one because deadlines were tight and Milton still had a very demanding day job at that time. This story was published in Popgun V1, an excellent (and I must say at a very affordable price) anthology.

2 comentarios:

Mortizio said...

saludos y felicitaciones por el trabajo invertido y la apuesta que están haciendo.

votados y favoriteados están, aunque debo admitirlo, hasta el momento soy un simple acarreado. No me he dado el tiempo de revisar, comparar ni leer nada, pero le eché un vistazo rápido a sus páginas y están padres.

espero reiterar mi voto con un buen comentario, pero ahí despuesito.

hasta entonces!


RG Llarena said...

Gracias por echarnos la mano con tu voto.


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