Previous Collaborations Part 1

During the past two weeks Felipe and I have been asked if we (Milton, Felipe and I) have had collaborations that preceded Cursed Planet.

We will like to share a sample of these previous collaborations (both those that have been published and those that are still looking for a home):

So without further ado:


I had the full script done a couple of years before Milton, Felipe and I formed a team. When I saw Milton’s art I rewrote it a little bit and they did a couple of pages that were sent to Heavy Metal in late 2005. We never heard back. We moved on and started a second collaboration but we felt that Morpheus was a strong proposal so the Sobreiros decided to “grab the bull by the horns” and decided to rework (we had been collaborating for a year now, learning from each other) and complete the story in late 2006 We sent it again and this time Heavy Metal picked it up! It was published in early 2007 in the “Spring Genesis Special”.

THE HOLY ONE (still a working title)

Co-written with my friend Carlos Garcia Campillo, “The Holy One” was originally conceived about seven years ago. A couple of artists were attached to it but the project never truly took off so we all moved on. In early 2006 Campillo and I talked about it and decided to bring “The Holy One” back from the dead and offer the project to the Sobreiros. It was originally conceived as a 100 pp graphic novel (a Mexican company was going to publish it but unfortunately negotiations came to a stop there) but we have been tweaking it a little bit to divide it into three 48 pp chapters. The good thing is that with all the work we (especially the Sobreiros) put behind this, almost two complete European sized books are ready.

Tomorrow we´ll upload more images, of different stories.

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